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Tuesday, January 18, 2011

politics and religion 2 subjects that always get me in trouble!!

Speaking about politics since I have 2 kids with disabilities I did all my research and guess what, I realized that neither candidate would be able to do anything for my boys..their platforms were so wide ..oh well, so I decided to do my American duty and went to the polls to vote..and on top of that I decided to do it early.....bad move..I registered  got my ballot and went to vote , as I am sliding my ballot in the machine it made this awful sound.  The lady monitoring the machine proceeds to tell  me that I cant vote for both candidates.  I figured both of them would make 1 good candidate!!!...I know I was wrong but she did not need to comment on my right to invalidate my ballot.

The fun part began when I told her I understood what she was telling me and she said ,..MAYBE I NEED A TRANSLATOR!! for me those are fighting words...And she got all feisty with me.....

more on that later the boys are calling me.....trust me it gets better....

Friday, January 14, 2011

Just a quickie about me

Another late night... I have insomnia, I guess this is as good a time as any to tell you about me...My name is Demi and my sisters think I'm one of a kind..I have been told several times that things that happen to me don't happen to most people..I guess all my life I pictured myself as your typical over achiever. I am the oldest of three daughters and my sisters are a very important part of who I am.  My Dad, retired air force, My mom a secretary,  They both worked really hard to give us all we needed to be independent educated women.  I guess we were considered middle class we got our degrees since that was a requirement in our house.  That was the only thing our parents can give us , an education and the ability to distinguish between right or wrong.  My degree is in computer science and my sisters are a CPA and a Masters degree in Human resources and HR girl is also a certified personal trainer.  (Note to self: need to ask them if I can use their names) .  But my parents were wrong they gave us so much more, maybe one day they will realize it.

   I have 2 boys,  one with Autism 17 and my youngest is ten and they both have a genetic form of muscular dystrophy....more on that later...

More to come tomorrow this is a new experience for me and starring at the white page its way different that telling the story....besitos(that means kisses in spanish)..Did I mention that I'm also from Puerto Rico..